Setting Up A PayPal Account

A PayPal account is a service that allows you to receive and send money by linking either your debit or credit card. To be able to get a free login, it would require only three things: a computer or a mobile device that has a web browser program, an Internet connection, and an existing email account.

Some of the advantages of having a login are that it can be available any time for access from all web browsers. Moreover, it can be used to receive payments for your products and/or services or for you to send payments for any purchases online. This is especially the best for those who need access to small and medium enterprises.

Found below are the systematic instructions with accompanying screenshots, to help you in getting your own PayPal login.

• Click open a web browser program and go to the PayPal home page at

• As soon as the page has loaded, you will see the PayPal sign in page on picture number 1. Click on the “Sign Up” link.

paypal login

• Afterwards, you will see the PayPal login screen, as seen in picture 2. Click on “Get Started” either under “Buy with PayPal” or “Receive payments with PayPal”.

paypal login my account

• It may be possible that you will see the my PayPal account of someone else and not the intended sign up page. When this occurs, sign out first and the refresh the website. Worse comes to worst, if you still cannot see the sign up form, delete the cache, cookies, and/or passwords of your web browser. Also, try to load the page on another web browser program.

• On the sign in page, fill out all of the fields. These are all required, such as, your Email address, password, First name, Last name, Date of birth, Address line, City, and Phone number.

paypal account

• Make sure that you have not used this email to sign up for PayPal before. PayPal will check if the email was already used beforehand. You will use your email to login to your PayPal account.

• A PayPal account is not different from other online accounts available. For safety and security objectives, it would need a password, so that other people would not have access to any of your private and/or sensitive information, especially since this deals with money that goes in and out of your account. Try and search for tips on how to create strong passwords. These passwords must be difficult to figure out. As you place your password in the field, the characters will be replaced by dots. PayPal requires that passwords should be at least eight characters. Subsequently, you have to retype the password again in the succeeding field.

• As soon as you are finished filling in all of the required fields, click on the “Agree and Create Account” button. You now have a PayPal account. Congratulations!

my paypal account

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